Monday, April 16, 2012

The choking game

'Choking Game' Spreads on YouTubePHOTO: Derek Gall, a high school sophomore from Randolph, Neb., smashed his head on the hard concrete floor, fracturing part of the right side of his skull, when he tried the "choking game" at school.In this article, they say that kids have been playing the choking game, which causes death. They think it is a safe was to get a rush or a high from passing out. According to the new study, about six percent of kids have played it at least once. The doctors believe the kids who play it have no idea of how deadly it actually is. In this game, a person cuts off oxygen and blood flow to the brain with a towel, belt or rope, or hyperventilates until you pass out. When the blood and oxygen rush back into the brain, it creates an euphoric high. The choking game can lead to brain damage, seizures, and head trauma. A twelve-year-old boy from Santa Monica, California was taught the choking game on the playground after hanging out with his friends at his new middle school. The day after this boy had learned how to play, he tried it by himself at home, after school. He used his rope from Boy Scouts. The mother came home and found him dead in the living room. She didn't believe the police when they said that it was the choking game that had killed her son.

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