Thursday, April 26, 2012

Connection between brain freezes and migranes

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In this article, they say that most people have likely experienced a brain freeze. Researchers did not really understand what causes it, until now. The previous studies found that migraine sufferers are actually a lot more likely to get a brain freeze. People without migraines do not get it as often. The researchers thought that they might share some kind of common cause. They have decided to
use a brain freeze to study up on migraines. Headaches that are like migraines are difficult to study because they are unpredictable. They are not able to research a whole migraine from start to finish in the lab. They can medication to induce the migraines, but those can also have side effects that interfere with the results. Brain freezes make this lab easy because it is easy to get a migraine and it is quick to end. They brought on brain freezes in the lab by having about thirteen healthy volunteers sip ice water through a straw, to hit right again the top of their mouth. They would raise their hands when they felt a familiar brain freeze come on, and then raised them again once it disappeared. The researchers monitored the blood flow through their brains using an ultrasound like process to the skull. The increased blood flow to the brain through a blood vessel, called an anterior cerebral artery, which is located in the middle of the brain behind the eyes. The pain disappears when the artery constricts reining in response to the increased flow. This blood vessel is a type of self-defense for the brain. The blood cannot be cleared as quickly as it is coming in during the brain freeze. It can raise the pressure inside the skull and induce the pain that way. The blood vessel constricts as the pressure and the temperature in the brain rise.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fight over Lindsay Lohan

gty lindsay lohan dm 120420 wblog Lindsay Lohan Reportedly in Another Nightclub Altercation

In this article, they are saying that Lindsay Lohan might want to stay in instead of going out to watch Netflix for a bit. On Wednesday night, she went to the Standard hotel in West Hollywood. Her friend who hit another car in a parking garage was the one who drove her. She called her father and he arrived and took her inside the hotel’s Smoke and Mirrors club. Earlier this month, Lohan was accused of shoving a woman, so this might not have been the best choice to do. They drama had continued inside when a female patron made a remark about Lindsay "going clubbing with her dad". Lindsay yelled "Shut the F**k up." The woman then threw a drink at Lohan. Her and her dad got up and left the club after that. Neither of them drank alcohol at the club.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Worlds Oldest Man

abc kimura oldest man wy 120419 wblog Worlds Oldest Living Man Turns 115

In this article, they are saying that the world’s oldest man is one-hundred and fifteen years old. He worked at a local post office all his life until he retired at age sixty-five. He was born in 1897. He has five children, fourteen grandchildren, twenty-five great grandchildren, and thirteen great great grandchildren. His family says that he never misses a meal, and he continues to read the newspaper daily. He is Japanese. He is just two-hundred and thirty-seven days shy of the oldest living person, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. On his one-hundred, fifteenth birthday, reporters came to his house in Kyotango City west of Kyoto, with a smile and a brief message.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Girls get sick from water


In this article, they are saying that the girls in Northeastern Afghanistan School were admitted to the hospital on Tuesday after getting sick from drinking water believed to be poisoned by education for girls. These girls were suffering from nausea and bad headaches after they drank the water from a tank at the high school. According to the doctors, this is not a normal sickness. They are saying that girls from Afghan are the ones who have poisoned the water. Most of the girls were taken to the hospital very quickly before it got worse. There were about one hundred and fifty girls who had got sick from this water.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Using blood tests can screen teen depression in teenagers

PHOTO: Some teens harm themselves when dealing with difficulties.
In this article, they say that researchers have made a test that can diagnose depression in teens. It's a step they hope will lead to a better way to identify the disorder in young people. Diagnosing depression depends on a patient's willingness to report symptoms. This diagnose is particularly challenging, especially for teens. The researchers were able to pinpoint twenty-six markers of major depression. They looked in the blood of twenty-eight human teenagers, ages fifteen to nineteen, half of them with depression and half without. They found that eleven of the markers had showed up in the depressed teens, but not the teens that are not depressed. They were also able to diagnose different types of depression. They successfully identified teens who suffered from depression alone and other depression combined with anxiety disorders.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The choking game

'Choking Game' Spreads on YouTubePHOTO: Derek Gall, a high school sophomore from Randolph, Neb., smashed his head on the hard concrete floor, fracturing part of the right side of his skull, when he tried the "choking game" at school.In this article, they say that kids have been playing the choking game, which causes death. They think it is a safe was to get a rush or a high from passing out. According to the new study, about six percent of kids have played it at least once. The doctors believe the kids who play it have no idea of how deadly it actually is. In this game, a person cuts off oxygen and blood flow to the brain with a towel, belt or rope, or hyperventilates until you pass out. When the blood and oxygen rush back into the brain, it creates an euphoric high. The choking game can lead to brain damage, seizures, and head trauma. A twelve-year-old boy from Santa Monica, California was taught the choking game on the playground after hanging out with his friends at his new middle school. The day after this boy had learned how to play, he tried it by himself at home, after school. He used his rope from Boy Scouts. The mother came home and found him dead in the living room. She didn't believe the police when they said that it was the choking game that had killed her son.