Monday, February 27, 2012

Shooting this morning in Ohio

PHOTO: People are evacuated from Chardon High School in Chardon, Ohio, after a number of students were shot, Feb. 27, 2012.

In this article, they state that a student had fired a gun at Chardon High School at 7:51 am, on February 27th. They had said the student was chased out of the building by a teacher and then turned himself in to innocent bystanders in Chardon Township. Four other students were injured. One had died. Two of the students were taken by helicopter to Hillcrest Hospital and three were taken to Metro Health Medical Center. The student that had died was one who went to Metro Health Medical Center. Two victims at Hillcrest Hospital are a 17-year-old boy who is in a serious condition and an 18-yer-old girl in a stable condition.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Woman had a Heart Break Giving Birth


In this article, they are saying that this woman was having these weird signs, like fatigue, feeling of racing heart or skipping beats, increased nighttime urination, shortness of breath, and swelling. So, she had gone to her doctor about it. They checked her out and the found a tear in her heart. It's called a coronary dissection, meaning one of the main arteries to her heart had ripped. Experts say that child birth weakens the heart of the woman. They also say that heart diseases are rare, but they are known complication of pregnancy. It usually happens in on about four thousand cases. This woman made it through, and she is going to live a strong life. The baby came out healthy, and that's all it matters.

Woman saves baby from drunk driver

In this article, the facts show that a woman saves her god daughters life, as a drunk driver crashes through their house. He smashed right into where they were sitting. As the car hit the back of the couch, this woman lifted the baby over the car, so she wouldn't get impacted with it. She saved the baby's life. She had escaped this crash with only a scratch on her eye. The car hit so hard that the couch was flown into the wall across of the room. Their whole family was sitting in the living room as this had happened.

Four TCU Football Players Get Arrested?

In this article, they state that, seventeen Texas Christian University student, four of them are football players, have been arrested on drug charged during a raid on and around the school's For Worth campus. Marijuana, cocaine, molly, ecstasy pills and prescription drug Xanax, hydrocodone and the heavily addictive pain killer Oxycontin, were the drugs these students were selling to other student. These students have shocked all the teachers and couches. They didn't expect this to come out of them. The four football players were kicked off the team, and their profiles from being on the team, were erased. These football players surprised everyone that found out. 

Father gets fed-up with daughter and shoots her laptop

ht dad shoots laptop dm 120214 wblog Fed Up North Carolina Father Shoots Daughters Laptop
In this article, they state that a teenage girl, Hannah, put something on Facebook that got her dad very mad at her. She was complaining about her parents making her do chores round the house. The father got so fed up with it he took her laptop and shot it five times. Is this a good way for a parent to make a point? No. All he is doing is embarrassing his daughter, in front of the world. Not even just her peers. His daughter, Hannah, wrote a letter on Facebook, saying how much she hates when her parents tell her she needs to do chores. They believe this was the right thing to do… Do you?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Underage Drinking

In this article, they say that the rate of underage drinking is going up! The money that they are spending to get these drinks, is ridiculous. The rate in Australia is 175 million drinks a year. And it feed about $107 million dollars directly into government coffers. According to a new report highlight "alarming" rates of illegal alcohol consumption. The studies are showing that 506,000 adolescents aged 12 to 17 drank about 175 million standard drinks in 2005, generating sales of $218 million dollars. About 40% of the income comes from 16-17 year old boys. 17% were 13 year olds, and 30% were 14 year olds.

Teenager murders another girl

In this article, they state that a teenager from Missouri admitted stabbing, strangling, and sliting the throat of a young neighbor girl. This teenager wrote in her journal on the night of the killing, and had said it was an "ahmazing" and "pretty enjoyable" experience. Then she headed off to church with a laugh. This had happened in October, 2009. She murdered a nine year old, Elizabeth Olten. She lived in a small town west of Jefferson City.
"I just f------ killed someone. I strangled them and slit their throat and stabbed them now they're dead. I don't know how to feel atm. It was ahmazing. As soon as you get over the "ohmygawd I can't do this" feeling, it's pretty enjoyable. I'm kinda nervous and shaky though right now. Kay, I gotta go to church" That was written in her journal, the night of the action. The grandmother of this girl told the judge that she seemed happier than normal, when she went to church, afterwards.

Monday, February 6, 2012

man burns house down and kills his kids

Josh Powell\'s wife, Susan Powell-Cox, has been missing for more than two years.In this article, they are saying that this man, in the picture to the left, killed his kids in a house fire. This video explains everything that had happened. A CPS worker was dropping off his children for his super vised visitation, as the kids ran up to the door, as they usually do, he let them in then slammed the door. The case worker started to smell gasoline and a fire had started. He had set up a murder for his kids. The police are calling it a sucide
murder. After a year of not seeing his kids, he finally got a super vised visitation. He went crazy, and killed them. He killed himself and the children in the house. One of the boys was five years old, and the other one was seven year old. He was also a suspect of the disapperance of his ex-wife, Susan. His ex-wife's sister had told the police and court that it wasn't a good idea to let him have any custody of the children, at all. They didn't listen to her. They finally figured out she was right, after such a tragic event.

Tow Truck driver kills women

Police are questioning a tow truck driver who struck and killed a woman  Monday at a strip shopping center in southwest Houston.  The tow truck  hit the woman about 3 p.m. while pulling out of the shopping center in  the 8800 block of Bellaire. Photo: Houston Chronicle / HC
In this article, they say that a man who was driving a tow truck, and couldn't see a woman, who he had hit. The police are questioning the tow truck driver. He killed the woman on Monday, at a strip shopping center in southwest Houston. The tow truck hit the woman at about three in the afternoon, while pulling out of the shopping center parking lot. The woman was 73 years old. She was dragged along the driveway until he has stopped. The driver apparently didn't see the woman in front of his tow truck until it was too late to stop. She was pronounced dead at Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital, officers had said. This woman was struck at the same time students from a nearby school where they were getting released. Police had said the tow truck operator stopped after the waiting parents yelled towards him. They will be giving the tow truck driver a blood test to determine if her was impaired at the time. They still have not found out who this woman is.

Helicopter makes emergency landing

In this article, they state that a private helicopter makes an emergency landing on El Vista Elementary School's playground after fueling at the Modestop Airport, in Modoesto, California, Sunday morning. The pilot, Scott Bursey, left from Madera County and sais at about eight hundred feet her had a few mechanical problems and had no place else to safetly land. The neighborhood residents said that the helicopter made a hard landing nearly hitting the treetops and a soccer goal. Before the landing the helicopter was shaking badly as it flew over Sunday morning, and she thought that it was going to crash down.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Three inch nail gets removed from man's brain

In this article, they say that they had to remove a 3 1/4 inch nail from this man's brain. It was lodged in the middle of his brain. He didn't even know about it. He had thought that the doctors were joking about it when they told him. While using a nail gun, above his head, it triggered the wrong way and went in his brain. He got rushed to the hospital by ambulance. They took X-rays right away. The X-rays had showed the nail lodged in his head. The 32 year old man asked them if it was a joke, that it was in there. The man's skull had stopped the nail from going farther into his brain. They said they removed the nail by putting two holes into him skull, on either side of the nail. Then the doctors pulled the nail out along with a piece of skull. The part of the skull that was removed for surgery was replaced with a titanium mesh. This surgery had taken two hours.

Husband goes nuts and burns down house after argument with the wife

In this article, a man of 36 years has been charged with arson. His wife and he were arguing about her going out with a male friend, as the officers were saying. While his wife was out with this male friend, she was getting these abusive texts from her daughters’ cell phone and then got a call from her husband, moments later. She arrived at her house at two thirty in the morning to find her husband in the front yard. She walked inside and smelt gas. She saw the stove top on. Her husband threatened to "set the house on fire" while their daughters were sleeping upstairs. Nancy had told her husband that the marriage was over. He started to cut his wrists, than he left his house. Later that morning, the kids went to school, and she went to work. She reported that she saw her ex-husbands SUV parked in a field near their house. The owner of the residence reported he had seen the SUV in his yard. At 11:30am, the fire was called in.

Drunk Driver drives into S.F. train tunnel

In this article, they state that a 40 year old man, named Scott Mitchell, was charged with suspicion of driving under the influence, driving on train tracks, and failure to obey a traffic sign. A witness stated that he had been following the train above ground until about 6am. He then passed it, entering the westbound tunnel in Duboce and Church streets. He had traveled about a half-mile, before hitting the concrete and end up getting stuck.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Camel predicts Giants will win the Super Bowl

This article is about how a Camel, named Princess, chooses the Giants football team, to win the Super Bowl in 2012. They say that this camel has predicted five right football teams to win the last six super bowls. She also predicted six out of fourteen right, in the regular season and playoff games this year. She has a record of predicting 51 right out of 88. The owner of Princess puts the names of the teams on a graham cracker. She puts the graham cracker in front of Princess in her hand, and whichever one Princess nibble at, is her choice.